My completed paper edit transfer to Scrivener thingy! FYI, I tend to use the words 'thingy' and 'thingies' a lot. In my universe, they are words. Anyway, the edits are done and I'm ready to send the novel off to my beta-reader. Wheee, I have a beta-reader! I also have one more goal to cross off my list! Now I can turn my attention to NaNoWriMo and the two novels I'll be writing during November! There was a discussion on the NaNo forums about last-minute projects people are trying to get done before November 1st. This was mine. I do have a Chrysalis story to finish, which technically was due yesterday...or maybe even on Friday. I can't remember if it was my turn to post the Friday feature or not. Either way, I'll get that one done tonight, and then tomorrow NaNo begins! |
Monday, 31 October 2011
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Still alive!
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Ways to help your author friends
Nope, this is not my post...but I want to mention Jolene Perry's post on this very topic. Because it made me realise I needed to tell some people that I haven't forgotten their books!
But I will get there! So just remember you are not forgotten!
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
"My Weakness" by Moby
Monday, 24 October 2011
What I'm reading
Sunday, 23 October 2011
NaBloWriMo day...23
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Zombie Trisha
Friday, 21 October 2011
My NaNoWriMo past...and future
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Twitter-tag the first

- If you could go back in time and relive one moment, what would it be?
I've had heaps of great moments, but probably the one I'd love to relive is the first time I ever saw the Smashing Pumpkins live in concert. Or MAYBE it'd be the second time I saw them, which was a 3-hour performance in San Diego. MAGIC. - If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
I'd probably go back in time and try to orchestrate a distinct lack of Joseph Stalin in the world. - What movie/TV character do you most resemble in personality?
Nobody, because I'm unique and nobody is like me? This is my lazy answer because I honestly can't think of any character off the top of my head. Or even off the bottom of it. - If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?
If I could push one person off a cliff, it'd probably be Juturna from my novel NAUSICAA. Maaaaan that lady's a nasty piece of work. But it's okay, she gets her come-uppance. - Name one habit you want to change in yourself.
I want to be utterly confident in the idea that the world is my oyster, damn it. Basically I want to stop looking to other people for the kind of validation I am more than capable of giving myself. - Describe yourself in one word.
Interesting. - Describe the person who named you in this meme in one word.
Glamorous! - Why do you blog? Answer in one sentence.
Because somebody said I I gave it a shot, and thought it pretty well rocked! - Name at least 3 people to send this meme to, and then inform them.
Ohhh, okay. I'll choose these people, after which I shall inform them:
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Meet Laura, my first EVARRR beta-reader!

1. What do you write, and what do you read? Do they tend to be the same?
I'll answer the second bit first. I read chick lit. Lots of chick lit. Probably far too much for one little person to handle - with the occasional snippet of sci-fi, thriller, and historical non-fiction. When it came to writing, I decided to write chick lit (naturally), and it also fits in well with the non-fiction fashion writing I do. I finished the first draft of my fist novel Welly-Booty-Goodness and shrugged. I was meant to be super-excited but it wasn't there, maybe because I've read so much of the stuff before. So now I'm considering embarking on a thriller for NaNoWriMo.
2. Do you love NaNoWriMo as much as I do? (for assistance with answering this one, I will inform you that I love NaNoWriMo THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS much)
I have a confession. I'm a NaNoWriMo virgin, *blushes*. I did BuNoWriMo in June run by Burrowers, Books and Balderdash. It's exactly the same premise but on a smaller scale, and I really enjoyed that. But I'm so excited about NaNoWriMo - I'm sooo going to a kick off event!
3. Do you have any beta readers of your own, and if so want to tell us about ‘em? If not, why not?
I don't have any dedicated Beta readers as yet, because I haven't really got anything to a stage where I want to get it checked out by anyone. A couple of fab, bloggy pals have been good enough to take a brief look over a chapter here and there for me though.
4. What kind of music do you write to? Or do you need complete silence? Or the steady beating of a bongo drum as background noise? Or something else entirely? (if the latter, what?)
So, for Welly-Booty-Goodness, I wrote the entire thing to the same playlist - Elvis, Beejees, Fink and Al Green. I'm thinking if I go the thriller route, I'm going to need some new suggestions!
5. What the HECK were you thinking, agreeing to be MY beta reader? Just kidding! The real question is...what's your favourite writing snack/drink combo?
Peanut M&Ms, a huge bowl of greasy, ready-salted crisps and a bucket of coffee.
Mmmmmm, peanut M&Ms...! No, really, that's where the interview ends. Pretty abrupt, huh? Well, I ran out of ideas for questions. So now I will just say THANKS to Laura for submitting to my interrogation, and for agreeing to be my first ever beta! Wheee!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Winter is my friend

That there is the kind of weather I love. We don't get it here, maybe that's why I love it so much. Pine for it, even. We don't get snow at all where I live. Apparently there is the occasional dusting of snow somewhere in my state - in the closest thing we have to mountains here - but for the most part, snow is practically a myth to people here.
Monday, 17 October 2011
EPIC FAIL (link to a review)
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Some scribbles for day...16 of NaBloWriMo
Chrysalis wordcount for the year to date: 93,917
Saturday, 15 October 2011
It is day something-or-rather of NaBloWriMo (I know I could find out what day it is by deducing the date, but I'm feeling too lazy to lift my hand to the top right-hand corner of my computer screen where the date and time lives! I can tell you it's Saturday, just by glancing at that corner, though. Gosh I'm good). Now for the meat of the entry: |
- The image above is a manipulation (and, naturally, serious cropping) of an original piece of art done in really dark pencil (yes, that is the technical and Trisha-rifically correct term for the kind of pencil I'm talking about...because I say so!). It doubles as "song art". See, when I first started writing songs, I did a little picture - sometimes more than one - for each song. I've slacked off on that in recent years, mostly due to no longer having easy acesss to Photoshop, but maybe someday I'll get back into it!
- I finished reading ALEX CROSS'S TRIAL today. It was such an awful story, mostly because it was based on events of history. I have no idea how people can be so horrible, or ever could, even when it was 'the norm'. But at least not everyone in this story was horrible. I really enjoyed the fast-paced writing, short chapters, and Ben Corbett's voice. In short, it was an easily devoured, if shocking in parts, read. It doesn't have the realism of some nasty pieces of work I've read this year, which is probably a blessing - who wants to really truly be there in the awful moment with a story like this?
- As of this very second, I am up to page 63 in my paper-to-Scrivener editing, and my current word count is 99,441. Yay!! Under 100k again. But I have another 4.5k to cut before I'll be satisfied.
- I am thrilled to report that I have found my first beta reader! But I will report on that in more depth later! For now, I post this, in the hopes that everyone is having a great weekend even as I speak (or, rather, type).
Friday, 14 October 2011
NaBlo and NaNo...and face transplants

Thursday, 13 October 2011
Awards & NaBloWriMo day...what's it?

In recent times, I've received the following awards:
- Versatile Blogger award from Jenni Merritt (September 14th) and Dangerous Dan (September 18th)
- Irresistibly Sweet award from Jenni Merritt (September 14th)
- 7x7 Link Award from Jen Burke (October 11th)
First off, thank you to Jenni, Dan and Jen for these awards! I really appreciate that you guys thought of me! But since I have previously won the Versatile and Irresistibly Sweet awards, I thought I'd cheat and just respond fully to the third award in that list, the 7x7 Link Award, which is entirely new to me! From Jen's example, I get the idea that I'm supposed to nominate blog posts of mine that fit the following categories:
- Most Beautiful: Oh, I don't know! I quite liked this one.
- Most Helpful: I don't tend to do 'help' posts, I tend to ramble on about whatever crap enters my mind at any given time. But I think at least a few people got something out of my CreateSpace proof copies...answering some questions blog post.
- Most Popular: Based on number of comments alone, as Jen did with hers, I'd say my First Campaigner Challenge entry wins this one. But if you look at which post has been visited the most, you'd find it was one I wrote during the A-Z blogging challenge in April, about Voltron.
- Most Controversial: I don't really do controversy on this blog. Don't get me wrong, I've made my fair share of bold political statements in various places online before, but this is my writing blog and I tend not to get too in people's faces here. However, I guess the obvious one to choose is one I wrote recently for the Peace Blogfest.
- Most Successful: What makes a blog post successful? I guess this question feels slightly like a repeat of the "Popular" one, and I could give the same answer here as I did there. But instead I'll go with my award-winning Power of Tension Blogfest entry.
- Most Underrated: After a very, very quick browse, I'd say my entry in the Inanimation Blogfest...
- Most Prideworthy: Probably this one, in which I reviewed my Goals met to that point in 2011. I have since met more, but it was cool to lay them out the way I did in this post.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Bloody Mary(s)
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Another day missed
Sunday, 9 October 2011
I wrote some stories for the Chrysalis Experiment
- Good news: I finished this week's Chrysalis story (#40) with mere hours to spare. Bad news? It's not really finished, and it's not really a short story. Sigh. Another one to add to a very long list.
- I haven't forgotten my Globetrotter Series, in fact I was just thinking about getting my next post up very soon. Just not sure when... Stay tuned!
- On the paper edit transfers, I'm up to page 23. Of 188 pages. The revised word count (in Scrivener) is 100,962. Better than the 101-something I had before. But I haven't got to the really good bits yet (i.e. good bits for ripping out unnecessary words). Soon, my pretties. Sooooon.
- I'm currently reading ALEX CROSS'S TRIAL by James Patterson. I haven't read much of it, not at all, but I like it so far! Prior to that, I read THE PACT by Jodi Picoult. I can't even remember if I've reviewed that at GoodReads...
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Day 8
Friday, 7 October 2011
Day 5...slash 7
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Way way way ahead now
Well, yesterday's prompt for NaBloWriMo isn't even up yet, so I can't respond to that. So I guess I'll just tell you about my editing 'transfer' progress instead. Sadly, there's not much to tell. I've found my evenings taken up with romantic barbecues by the river, rebuilding my Macbook and sitting on the couch staring dumbly into space. Oh, and discovering that my bass guitar has a battery that goes flat even if you don't have the guitar plugged in, and that the bass won't work without said battery. D'oh.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Fifteen-year-old me

Tuesday, 4 October 2011
I already failed NaBloWriMo?!!?
Yep. Forgot to post anything yesterday. My excuse is that I had an appointment with a plastic surgeon. No, seriously. I've got this (benign) skin cancer thing I have to have cut out of my forehead and this guy's going to make sure I don't end up with a big hole in my head. Unfortunately it seems I will have scarring, and permanent numbness on a part of my scalp. This thing is in a really unfortunate position on my forehead where a prominent nerve happens to sit. Luckily though, the plastic surgeon informed me he doesn't plan on pulling my skin together vertically, meaning I won't have one eyebrow permanently 2 inches higher than the other (okay, that's me paraphrasing, but you get the gist). Good to know, doc. Good to know!
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Hale Hoe-down on Monument Hill
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Once An Imago

I was tempted to let this post stand on its own, without any 'non-fiction' addition. That way it would truly be a 200-word post. But I just have to explain that this post is counting not only as my 2nd Campaigner Challenge entry but also as my first post for NaBloWriMo, which I am insane enough to have signed up for at sort of the last minute.