So, I got tagged a while back by the super-groovy
Golden Eagle, and more recently by the lovely
Danette. So here's what I have to do: answer some questions, then tag some people, then move onto the next part of this entry. Hehe. So anyway, here goes with the first part:
QUESTIONS:Do you think you're hot?Ya know, I'm not a traditional "must be a movie star" beauty, but I am pretty happy with myself... However, there's a catch - if you take a photo of me, it's 99% guaranteed to turn out crap and I will hate its guts. And when you put it up on Facebook I'll secretly resent you with a lot of gusto. Hehe. I am NOT photogenic at all.
Upload a picture or wallpaper that you're using at the moment.
This is my current desktop, and a screenshot taken from iTunes' fancy
graphic thingy that you can have going while listening to music. Hehe.
When was the last time you ate chicken meat?Last night - went out for Thai dinner, it was niiiiice... And yeah,
as I tell everyone, if we had to kill our own meat I'd be vego in a flash!
The song(s) you listened to recently.Right now I'm listening to "A Harbour Fair" by The Good Ship,
a band I don't really know at all. I'm in the midst of my A-Z listening task,
which I've slacked off a lot on lately, but I'm up to "H" and that's the song
I'm specifically up to. Other than that, I've listened to a few other H songs
today, and the last song I listened to last night was "Panic Switch"
by the ever-awesome Silversun Pickups.
What were you thinking as you were doing this?Umm, doing what? The survey? Or listening to the song? LOL.
I guess I'm thinking that it's Saturday morning and I'm getting a pedicure
and neck/shoulder massage today, then having a cards night tonight, woo!
Do you have nicknames? What are they?Do I ever?!?! My name is Trisha (well okay, it's Patricia) and I get all sorts of
shortenings (or lengthenings) of both those. Mum calls me Twiddy,
Twitty, Twit-face, that sort of thing. Her boyfriend has adopted Twitty
as his favourite nickname for me. Most people call me Trish,
but one very suicidal man I deal with at work calls me Pat sometimes.
He really should know better... hehe. In high school I got called Fish Face
by my best friend, until I told her she better stop it OR ELSE...
I also had a "code name" in high school - Carrie.
Tag 8 blogger friends...- Brooke R. Busse
- Jenni Merritt
- Madeline Bartos
- Robyn Campbell
- Rusty Webb
- Sheery @ Sheery's Place
- Charity Bradford
- Susan Fields
Who's listed as No. 1?Brooke, who I THINK I met through
Chrysalis but who I may
have known earlier... It all seems like so long ago! LOL.
Brooke is an amazing young writer and great blog-friend!
Say something about No. 5His blog is cool, it has lots of different stuff - including some great artwork!
How did you get to know No. 3?Pretty sure it's the same as Brooke - through Chrysalis.
I honestly can't remember which of these gals I got to know first,
they sort of come in a pair. :D
How about No. 4.Pretty sure I must've met Robyn through the A-Z? :)
Leave a message for No. 6."Hi Sheery, good to still know ya!! :)"
Leave a lovey dovey message for No. 2."Jenni, I'm glad I found your blog because
I love to keep up with you and your projects!"
Do No.7 and No. 8 have any similarities?Ummm they are both cool? hehe.
Okay, now that that's done, moving onto the next part of the entry!
I won stuffThe award was that Blog in Fire one that I won recently, so I will just redirect you to that entry.
Some upcoming Blogfests:I think/hope those are all I've signed up for (i.e. if I've signed up for more, I can't remember, and will probably miss them!! LOL).
Incidentally, somebody on
Summer Ross's blog suggested that there may be a current dearth of Blogfests because "we're" heading into summer. So I suggested that my fellow Aussies and I, plus the Kiwis, and anyone else in our region, should take on the task of doing "Summer" blogfests (since for us it's actually winter). However, don't look at me for ideas - I got nothin'. LOL.