Wednesday 2 November 2011

NaNo Day Dos

Just a quick note to say...argh, it's past bedtime, but Day 2 of NaNo is over and I'm pleased to say I got a little more on track this evening (while still allowing for at least a dash of that procrastination which any sane writer person has to indulge in to survive November. Hey, wait...did I say sane?!).

So my current word count is 6,349. To complete 50k in 15 days I need to write 3,333.3 recurring each day. So as of tonight I am ahead of schedule! Entirely satisfied with that, I can say!

I hope everyone is having a great November so far! Catch you at the end of Day 3, people!


  1. You're going 15 days! Wow! I'm ready to faint.

  2. That is a lot of typing, let alone thinking and planning! Good luck.

  3. Great word count. I find it amazing that you are busting out two novels in November. You go girl!! WooT!! WooT!!

  4. 6,349 words already?? Awesome. :) I gave in and just signed up for Nano today...current word count: 949. But, the day's not over yet! Best of luck to you!

  5. wow, you've set yourself a high goal. Sounds like you are doing well, though.

  6. Jeez I'm impressed! Keep it up! :)

  7. You're aiming for half the time? Bravo!

  8. Thanks for figuring that out for me, Trisha. I hadn't thought about how many words I would need for 15 days. I don't know my current word count for today as of yet, but then, you're quite a few hours ahead of me.

  9. Very impressive! I'm so jealous of your fortitude. I hope you do great with your project.

  10. I was thinking that my 2nd novel is the one I'm going to really love...but I'm quite loving this one too. and my MC is surprising me with her rather dry wit. I didn't intend her to be like that.

  11. Awesome woman!!! You're definitely going to kick my ass this year. :D LOL

  12. 50k in 15 days. Now you're the crazy one, Trisha! I think procrastination is an important part of the writing process. ;) Good luck!

  13. I left you an award, Trisha.

    (And look at Madeline, talking about crazy when she wrote four novels last June. -rolls eyes-)

  14. Looks like your off to a running start! Way to go! and speaking of dates-- today is (or was) Palindrome Day 11.02.2011. if you write it backwards it will still be 11 02 2011 ;D (I didn't come up with that, read it on another blog).

  15. Doubling the word count is starting to feel like a lot of words, isn't it? Keep writing furiously!

  16. Wow, you're doing great - keep it up! I'm doing the NaNo thingie too! I'm not as ambitious but I have made goal both days so far. <3


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!