Monday, 20 April 2015

A to Z 2015 - "Q" Photos

I love that we get Sundays off during theA-to-Z challenge. Imagine if we had to post EVERY day!! I think the success rate would be pretty low. ;) Unless you're one of those who has prepared posts ahead of time, anyway.

So, enough of my rambling. It's time for the letter "Q"! I struggled for what to post about that I could find enough photos of, and in the end I went with something that I guess is slightly cheating, due to the part in brackets...

Quotes (and Notes)





  1. I have a box of these on top my cupboard. They stretch as far back as high school. And I love pulling them out and re-reading them from time to time. Everywhere that I have traveled - that Rubbermaid box has come with...

  2. No stage diving - if that was at a concert venue, I bet it was ignored.


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!