Thursday, 23 December 2010

Yep...still Thursday

I am on holidays as of this evening, and I'm already loving it! Watching episodes of MEDIUM season 5 - love this show big time. And that gets me to thinking about genre, and how I've never really gone much for writing murder mysteries/thrillers. Which is weird, because I really enjoy reading them/watching them.

Out of curiosity - do you guys stick to one particular genre, or are you more adventurous than that? case I don't post another entry before the big day, happy holidays everyone!! May the silly season not be too stressful, and instead be full of fun and joy!


  1. I usually stick to fantasy though I do write some realistic fiction.

  2. I generally stick to urban fantasy, though within that, I stem out into adventure, science fiction and romance pretty effortlessly.

  3. I generally prefer anything that might have an interesting plot or will catch my interest. I love anything from spy thrillers to fantasy. It's the same with my writings as well. I like to write all sorts of different stories. :P

  4. I'm with you Griffinclaw, I tend to write from a wide variety of genres (and read in them too :D). But I guess I have my favourites of any given moment. My long-term favourite genre to read has been traditional-style fantasy, but I've since branched out quite a bit :)

  5. I think almost everything I write will always have a fantastical element to it (might be huge, might be tiny and more magical realism), but I could see myself writing a contemporary if a particularly awesome idea struck me.

    I love cerebral, smart thrillers, but I couldn't write them to save my life.

  6. I gotta bounce all over the place or else my stories start to become the same.

    Happy holidays

  7. Shayda, not sure if I could either...but it's an intriguing thought!

    Arc - I think I'm like you in that respect!


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!