Sunday, 12 December 2010

Flash fiction competition

I thought, Why the hell not! and entered this competition. Here is my entry.

Trying to download the new version of Scrivener, have tried twice now, but nothing appears to be happening. I'm not asked to pay the $25.00, and each time I complete the download it says it's going to install it and restart, but then when I restart (manually since it doesn't restart by itself) I'm back at square 1 with the notification that the new version is available. Hmm...yeah. I'm gonna check out their site & try and do it from there.

Meanwhile, got my SUNDOWN wordcount down to 129,461 today - in Scrivener, so it will be even less in MS Word. And merged 2 chapters into 1 after making one of them a lot skinnier. I now have 51 chapters. In the chapter I skinnified, I found parts that bored even me. When your own writing bores you, you know it has to go. Hehe.

Anyway, that's today's update.


  1. I saw that they were making Scrivener for PC's. Are you a a mac user or a PC? I have considered buying it as I've heard good things.

    Good luck with the down load!!

  2. I fail at anything technical. Computers don't like me ;) Good luck in the competition!

  3. I'm a Mac user, finally figured it out though - you had to go to the site to download it, even though there was a prompt when I opened the old version asking if I wanted to DL from there. :) I've got the new version, it's looking great!

    And yes, I saw the Windows version is coming soon, I do highly recommend this product. It's cheap AND great. And there's that trial version for Windows atm.


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!