Monday, 18 July 2011

Inspiration Blogfest

Yep, it's that time! I am participating in the Inspiration Blogfest, hosted by Summer Ross at My Inner Fairy. For more information, check here! Basically the idea is to post a prompt (it can be a writing prompt or a photo prompt) that you think will inspire others. I've decided to share one of my father's photos, because I just LOVE his work and it's always inspiring to me.

This was a photo taken in 1998, while we were on our trip around the world together. Just a note - when you travel with MY dad, you can't expect to do it in comfort. You can expect to burst into unhappy tears at any given moment, but comfort? Not unless you're enjoying one of those brief stays with other family members or friends at various places around the world. Still, my dad knows how to go a long way on a very small budget, and he's given me some of the most amazing experiences of my life. I'm grateful also to him for instilling a slight obsession with travel in me. So without further ado, here is the photo I've chosen (trust me, it was one of HUNDREDS I could've chosen):


  1. When someone plans .. to give their loved ones a good trip / experience, the memories will be ever lasting!!

    good pic!!

    with warm regards
    Another Author

  2. I can see why you picked that photo out of hundreds. It's gorgeous.
    Experience will always win over comfort ;)

  3. @AMP - oh yes, I have fabulous memories!

    @Lynda - I agree, at least I got to see all those places. And it's easier to appreciate it in hindsight. hehe

  4. Wow, that's awesome scenery. Can I steal it for my desktop? Of course, I'd never get any work done if this is what loads up every time I turn on my netbook . .

    You're Dad sounds awesome. And really, who appreciates their parents perspective when they're very young? Seems like you two had/have a great relationship, and that is what is important.

    I missed this blogfest cuz I've not been blogging much lately. But, I've been pretty cynical in my posts and attitudes, so I may not have come up with something inspirational. Thanks for sharing your moment.

    On a side note: Thanks for commenting on my post today. In case you don't get back to my blog I'll re-post my response to you . .

    Trish: ask, and you shall receive :) Within moderation, of course - meaning only one at a time. I don't have anything ready for crit exchange at this time but believe me, if you offer to reciprocate at an undisclosed future date, I have no problem paying it forward. My e-mail is on my profile page.


  5. Wow. Those colours just blow me away.

  6. That picture is breathtakingly gorgeous. Wow!

  7. Beautiful picture! It is definitely inspiring! :)

  8. Very beautiful! Putting just that picture into words would not only be a challenge, but would evoke great descriptions. Thank you for participating!

  9. That's such a beautiful picture! Not only does it inspire me, it makes me want to travel again :P

  10. That is GORGEOUS! I love it so much! I should put my camera close to the ground sometime ;-) So many things you could write with that photo in mind...

  11. I would like to learn from your dad... I'm also the kind of person who travels on a budget, but I'm not very good at it. His picture is amazing.

  12. Stunning photo. Thanks for sharing it.

  13. I like traveling in style. That includes a little pampering. Methinks that your dad and I would never have fostered a friendship because of that lol. I like massages, spas, expensive dinners... If I can't have those things...I'd rather stay home.

    That picture reminds me of Yellowstone Park.

  14. Hi,

    Grief that's a bleak if beautiful scene, and it looks like it might be brass-monkey conditions! ;) (((shivers)))

  15. Beautiful photo--and I love that the perspective is from the road!

  16. @Donna, I can probably get you a bigger version of the image if you want a desktop version. Thanks so much for the offer of critting. I have heaps of stories, though most of them are relatively short, like around 2-3k at most, sometimes closer to 1k. The trick would be choosing which one to send. At the end of this year I'm going to have one heck of a time revising all my stories written for Chrysalis this year. I'm looking forward to it though.

    @Summer - no worries, thanks for hosting this blogfest! It was a great idea.

    @Morgan - me too! Every time I look at dad's landscape photos I just want to take off for the airport.

    @Rachel - yep, dad did a fair few road shots. The 'theme' of the trip we went on was driving around the world (I was a newly licensed driver, he a driving instructor. hehe)

    @Teralyn - I tend to travel on a budget too, but not as well as he does. Still, sometimes i think I come out happier than he does. hehe

    @Michael - I like that too, don't get me wrong. But yeah, my dad would NOT be into it. At all. As for the picture, it was somewhere in the US but not Yellowstone. It may have been near to Mount Rushmore, but I'd probably get a better idea from asking dad. Unfortunately he's MIA in Africa right now. LOL.

    @Francine - it certainly was 'nippy', but I love that kind of weather. Mostly 'cause we never have it where I live!

    Thanks to everyone else who stopped by & commented.

  17. Shiver, Ooh, Ahh, Hot chocolate, Moose, Eagle, Lake-up-ahead. I LOVE the mountains! I've traveled in them countless times and I love them outrageously every time! There are all kinds of possibilities in them there hills. Thanks for the super prompt!

  18. I ALWAYS appreciate turbulent skies in nature. SO much energy... You can feel the winds stirring.... Gorgeous.

  19. That's a really cool picture. I'm not exspecially looking for inspiration just now, but I could definitely see lots of stories coming out of that photo. Thanks for sharing it!

    If you get a chance, check out a fellow writer's zombie story and help me make him wear an embarrassing shirt next year! Details are here:

  20. It feels like I am floating on the stream. Great photo!

  21. @Brenda - I love mountains too, since we don't have any where I live ;) I'm jealous of those who live near/in mountains!

    @Michael - me too. LOVE a good turbulent sky.

    @Chris - thank you :) Will check out the zombie story. hehe

  22. Gorgeous! I can almost feel how cold that water is. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Haunting photo. The first thing that jumps to my mind is the photo is from the POV of a character dying on the road. Then, the story can determine how they got there. I'm ready to start writing. Thanks!

  24. @Lisa - it certainly was nippy, but we were travelling in March/April in the US.

    @Laura - no worries, glad you got a spark! Cool idea!

  25. How. Cool! A trip around the world with Dad?! And that photo totally rocks it. It almost looks like it could have been taken in northern Arizona, between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon.

  26. Yeah, I've been wanting to do a series on all the places I've visited, for a while now. But haven't got around to starting it yet. Suffice it to say, I got stories. Many stories.

  27. That is a great picture Trish! Sounds like you have some interesting stories you should be writing down about your dad!

  28. Thanks Danette! I have typed up my travel journals, but have yet to turn them into proper memoirs.


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!