This thing is so cool, maaaaan!
Deana Barnhart is the brains behind GUTGAA, and even if I'm not really ready for an agent, I'm still taking part 'cause it's cool and I guess blogfests are an awesome way of keeping oneself involved in the blogger writer community. Which I have struggled with lately, as confessed.
Anyway, yesterday was the Meet & Greet portion of the blogfest, but as I'd already posted I decided to wait for today to put up my meet & greet post. So here it is!
-Where do you write? On my couch, mostly, with my beautiful MacBook Pro on my lap. Sometimes a cat or two, as well.
-Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see? I'm not there right now, but if I were there and I were to look to my left, I'd see the arm of the couch, covered by a spotty red/white blanket (it really does have spots, on purpose), and beyond it, the "guitar corner" where my music equipment is stored, and some plastic boxes full of crap I have nowhere to put (my home is shockingly bereft of storage space, so I have to make my own). And then there are curtains, and a window. And a wall.
-Favourite time to write? Any time of day, I would be happy to sit down on my couch and get writing. I have an office, too, but it's not sorted, it's full of junk (ya know - that "no storage" thing?), and it has an old, crappy computer in it. Someday I intend to buy a delightful iMac and actually enjoy my office.
-Drink of choice while writing? A cup of tea, a glass of wine, a tumbler of Bailey's, some Coke Zero...and always a bottle of water on hand. But as for the non-water drinks, I'm not fussy. ;)
-When writing, do you listen to music or do you need complete silence? I listen to music when doing most things. It's a must in my life. It's like a limb is missing if I don't have music on. And wow, such inspiration to be gained from those wondrous strains!
-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it? "My latest manuscript"? Ummm, well, the latest idea I had came to me in a dream (see previous blog post for more details). But I haven't really got stuck into writing that one yet. The novel I just rewrote (
SUNDOWN) was inspired by
Twilight, but no, it's not about vampires or stalkers or high school. You can read about what inspired it in
this post.
-What's your most valuable writing tip? Don't worry about what others think, just write! And editing/revising can wait till later.