O.M.G., it is nearly June, and while this means BuNoWriMo for me and some other people, it also means the beginning of WRiTE CLUB 2014! This is a fabulous event that is DL Hammons's brainchild:
What is WRiTE CLUB? It’s a modest writing competition whose inspiration was derived from the movie FIGHT CLUB. There are numerous versions of this concept around the internet, but nothing like we do it here. This unique approach, combined with your participation, continues to set it apart from the other writing competitions and is responsible for its phenomenal growth. Its essence embodies simple, good-natured competition, with lots and lots of fun sprinkled on top.
WRiTE CLUB takes place over the span of eight weeks, with twice-weekly bouts whose winners will advance to the playoffs. In the end, there can only be one champion. And that champion will be determined by WRiTE CLUB readers! I think that's a big part of what makes this whole thing so cool.
So who will win in 2014? Will it be you? There's still a little time to sign up. Go here for more details.
I only read 3 books so far in May, though I am not far off finishing a 4th - Alex Cavanaugh's CassaStorm! I wish I was finished that one, so I could feature it, but as it is I will have to go with ...

The story was intriguing, and personally I loved the setting - I want snow, damn it :( I think Stiefvater is a great writer, very skilled. But I guess the story itself didn't strike me as some gripping saga that goes beyond the romance of Sam and Grace. It has a bit of an epic reputation, and maybe that coloured my expectations.
I will conclude by saying I enjoyed the read, but I'm not sure I will revisit this book over and over again.
Ummm, not much to say this month except ... I'm ashamed!!
I hope to have a lot more than that to say by the time June is over. But for now, I really haven't done anything except finish editing the same chapter I was editing last time I updated. ;) But I haven't yet finished transcribing the edits back to Scrivener.
Hence my shame.
June is BuNoWriMo, so I will have the added push to do editing each and every day.
Bring on June, I say!
Over 'n out, folks. ;)