Thursday, 19 April 2012


For this year's A-Z challenge, I'm posting an A-Z list of books I want to read. My selections are taken from my to-read shelf at GoodReads. For today's book starting with "Q", I've chosen...


Queen of Sorcery (The Belgariad #2) - David Eddings

"BELGARIAD is exactly the kind of fantasy I like. It has magic, adventure, humor, mystery, and a certain delightful human insight." PIERS ANTHONY

The master Sorcerer Belgarath and his daughter Polgara the arch-Sorceress were on the trail of the Orb, seeking to regain its saving power before the final disaster prophesized by the legends. And with them went Garion, a simple farm boy only months before, but now the focus of the struggle. He had never believed in sorcery and wanted no part of it. Yet with every league they traveled, the power grew in him, forcing him to acts of wizardry he could not accept.

Why do I want to read it? I have never read any David Eddings, even though I was a hardcore fantasy addict for many years, and still love a good fantasy read... Eddings strikes me as a bit of a must-read for fantasy fans, a legend in the field. From what I've heard in the past, I'm not sure if I'll like this series or not, but I won't know until I try, right?


  1. I imagine where you live the sun is awfully fierce. Enjoy the day.

  2. I should read some Eddings too. He is a big name. Will you put reviews up when you get to each book?

    1. Hi Nick, yes I will more than likely do this - with reference back to the relevant A-Z topic of course. But then, it may take me years and years to get through this list, as there are many other books I need to read that I haven't mentioned! ;)

  3. Well, let us know if you do like it.

  4. Well, let us know if you do like it.

  5. I really like the sound of this one, I'm going to have to check it out! :)

  6. It sounds like it could be a good book. You'll have to let us know if it pans out.

  7. I'd never heard of the book, but it sounds interesting. :)

  8. I enjoyed the full series, but then I wasn't as discerning back in those days and anything slightly Tolkienesque was a win for me. The books are a light, fun read. If you read them simply to enjoy them, then you will.

    1. I will have to try to read them for that reason then, hehe. I'm currently reading another fantasy book that so far I'm not too hooked into, but it's been on my TBR for yeeeeeeeeeears (or so it feels!) so I figure it's about time.

  9. This looks like another winner, Trisha! It seems to ahve great elements, right on down to the cynical farmboy :-) Good post.

  10. I don't read much fantasy, but I'm all about reading what's calling to you. So read away and discover Eddings.

  11. I really liked this series - I hope you do to!

  12. It's a pretty good series. In my humble opinion it's not GREAT but it's interesting and the pages turn pretty quickly. You'll have to let me know what you think of it.


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!