Monday, 17 September 2018

NaNoWriMo 2018 plans (and plotting)

Wow, it's been a while since I wrote here! I thought I should check in because NaNoWriMo 2018 is coming up, and I do have a plan for what I'll be writing.

I have a new adult romance mostly planned out (temp title = FOLLOW), with a little way to go. I'm quite enjoying this whole planning thing, which I never thought I would back in the old days.

I've also been writing another novel (CLAUDIA AND DL) after planning the story out down to great detail, putting said plan into a custom beat sheet that combines a lot of different 'beat theories', and then starting to write. The writing has been flowing nicely for the most part, though I've had a few moments where I've stopped and given myself a little break, e.g. during chapters that didn't seem to flow quite as easily.

As usual I'm writing more words than expected/planned, but my bloated chapters will be honed later, during edits.

All of the above is helped by the great (albeit small) critique group I'm a part of. I think we have really helped each other in the last year or so. It's nice to be enjoying a moment of strong creativity, which is also partly inspired by my critique partners' own sense of inspiration too.

Are you planning on writing something for NaNoWriMo this year?


  1. Glad the planning is working for you. I should take NaNo and use it to finish what I've been working on.

  2. Hi Trisha - that's great to read you're enjoying your creative spurt - long may it last. Good luck with the preparation for NaNo - no I will not be taking part! Excellent to have a supportive group too - cheers Hilary

  3. I like to put my plans down on paper. That way, when I get distracted and forget what I was working on, I can look back over it and have a better place to start.

  4. How nice you have a critique group! I have a few CPs but no group *sigh*

    No Nano for me, though I salute those who sign up!

    1. We all met on Absolute Write - and created our own group on PBworks. There was only 3 of us, but recently a 4th has joined.

  5. My daughter is the most likely member of the family to participate and I would be surprised if she does this year. Busy kid.

    Good luck to you!

  6. I have mixed feelings if I want to do it this year. I have a story in mind that's been rolling around in my head for years but I'd have to be beyond a personal hurdle in my life before I commit to it.

    1. It can feel like an overwhelming prospect sometimes. I hope you get over that hurdle :)

  7. NaNo has never worked for me, but I have been writing a little on the side. I'm wishing you epic success with your project. You're going to rock it!

  8. I'm busy with a 100words100days writing challenge. It's the second one for this year.
    It works for me.
    I want to enjoy the writing process and the 100words100days allows for consistent writing. The result? I can continue building stories but it doesn’t become a chore. Win-win situation!
    Happy Nano'ing Trisha!


Thanks for your words, me hearties! and don't forget to leave a link to your blog somewhere I can find it!