I enjoyed the read, but it was very slow going. A lot of the time I would read a few paragraphs and then put the book down. Whereas at other times, the story would suddenly get quite suspenseful and I would be eager to read on and find out what happened next, e.g. when Vin realises that Elend is in mortal danger and rushes off to save him.
I think the world Sanderson has built so far is fascinating, and I'm oh so curious to read on and find out where he's going to take the story in book 2 - because the major goal has already been achieved. So I guess there must be new huge challenges in store for Vin and her friends!
Gee, it's been a while since my last "goals confession". It was actually back on November 28th that I last participated in this bloghop. At that point, I was still in the midst of a rather slack NaNoWriMo, nearly at the end of my novel. But at least I had well and truly achieved my reading goal for the year.
This year so far, I've done some editing on my novel SUNDOWN III, but have been really slow at reading. It took me around 1.5 months to read one book, which is pretty unusual, even for slow-reading me. And now it's nearly March!! This year is flying, but then, they all seem to do that a bit these days.
My goals for the next month are 1) to do more editing, as 'life' has been getting in the way of that a bit in recent weeks. And 2) to read a bit more quickly.
I hope you are all reading great books, and making great strides towards achieving your goals!