If I had posted my Sunday Session on Sunday where it belonged, I would have posted this video:
I've been listening to this song A LOT in the last week. Matryoshka are an amazing (Japanese, despite the Russian name) two-member band I found via Last.fm (to which I am addicted), and who provide the public with a heap of their music for freeeeeee (yes, freeeeee!) on that site. Their album ZATRACENIE is one of the most glorious collections of sound I have heard in my life, and you can get bits and pieces of it for free, straight from the band. Check this band out
But you know what? I didn't post that yesterday! And I haven't posted anything since the 29th of July. That's over
a week ago! You see, people, I believe I have lost my blogging mojo. But at least I'm distracted by all the right things - working feverishly on a rewrite of SUNDOWN, which I am enjoying a whole heap. It's not on my Goals list, but oh well, at least I'm doing something creative, right? And I do still have my other goals on the table.
I also know that I have been kind of out of touch with you, my fellow bloggers. But I've realised that I do go through ebbs and flows on this blog, and I'm okay with it. Just as long as you know that I will be back in fine form and repaying you for all your commenting kindness at some point. :)