Today is the First Loves Blogfest, hosted by
Alex J. Cavanaugh, in which
a stack of people (imagine a stack of people...that'd be weird!) are participating. First off, here's the idea:
Today is the First Loves Blogfest! Your first movie, first music (song/band,) first book, and first person. Four loves, one blogfest!
And without further ado, here are my first loves!
Aww yeah, baby. Still one of my favourites, this movie probably wasn't
really the first one I ever loved as a kid, but it's the one I remember most fondly from those childhood days, and is arguably the one I've quoted most often from those days. I still refer to the Bog of Eternal Stench now and then. Plus, I loved the
Labyrinth-inspired fan-fiction I found around the web in later days. There was some
great stuff written out there! Did I mention I own the soundtrack on CD? Yeah, and it
rocks. ;)

This was the album that changed my life, and it was the first CD I ever bought. Prior to this my favourite artist was
Madonna, and don't get me wrong, I still love that lady (mostly her earlier stuff, but some stuff in the last 15 years has been decent too. hehe), but
Nirvana's second album was the first album that had the kind of impact that saw my life changed forever. For that reason, it's got to be my first, most classic musical love. It didn't hurt that the guy I had a super crush on back in the days of this album was a huge Nirvana fan, either. ;) We had the odd bonding moment over this album. Ahhh, memories!
The Zagor Chronicles
This was the first fantasy (other than The Hobbit, which I also loved) I ever read, but the reason I chose it over The Hobbit was that it was a book series that had a huuuuuuuge impact on my life. This was the first book series where I decided, in no uncertain terms, that the ending hadn't actually happened, those characters had. not. died., and I was going to make damn sure they never did die, at least not in my imagination. This is where I did my first 'fan fiction' without really realising what I was doing. My best friend in high school read these books and loved them, and then I started. For us, a whole new world opened up as a result of reading these books. This was the series that firmly secured my devotion to the fantasy genre, and took me to some amazing places in my life (like, all over the world travelling, for example). Plus, check out the awesome cover art! The art was awe-inspiring on all four books.
He who shall not be named
The first person I actually loved for good reason (i.e. not just 'cause he was a famous rock star or some character in a book or movie, or some guy I went to school with but never spoke to) will remain nameless (and photographless) for the duration of this post. But let's just say that he was my first love and my first boyfriend, and he really was (and still is) a great guy! It didn't work out with us because of long distance, and to this day I still swear I will never be in a long distance relationship again. It kills lurve, man. But I have no regrets about this relationship and still look back on it fondly. I was very, very fortunate to have such an amazing person as my first love.
Thank you Alex for hosting this great blogfest!